Sociedad de la información y el conocimiento. Entre el optimismo y la desesperanza

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Delia Crovi Druetta


This article (Information and Acknowledge Society. Between Optimism and Hopelessness) purpose to establish the fundamental characteristics of the information and acknowledge society (ICS), and to contribute to its conceptualization through the analysis of its historical, technological and political origins. This work offers some ciphers of the digital gap on the way to show the unequal access between nations and individuals. This status is not just because the infrastructure available, but for the capabilities of the people to handle the new technological developments of ICS’s. On this context the author affirms that this digital gap is more than a shot time goal, is a discursive promise made by the international financial organisms.


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Crovi Druetta, D. (2015). Sociedad de la información y el conocimiento. Entre el optimismo y la desesperanza. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 45(185).

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