El movimiento del software libre

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Prudencio Óscar Mochi Alemán


The objective of this work (The Wave of Free Software), is to describe the on going and development of the wave of free software. For that, we analyze some of its most important characteristics that give us the beginning and development of free software; thus like it’s most critical and tension moments; its challenges and goals. An other huge part of this work tries to decipher how the wave of free software and Linux, on its most common version, survived and reaffirmed their position on the way to reach a real alternative for high technology big companies.


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Mochi Alemán, P. Óscar. (2015). El movimiento del software libre. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 45(185). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2002.185.48320

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