Hackers: de piratas a defensores del software libre

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Jorge Lizama Mendoza


The present article is developed in two parts: the first is about the hackers like a group of computer experts that follow a basic ethic rules: “the access to the computer must be free”, “make software and share it with the internet community”, etc. With the hackers brought out a new way of work, between internet’s users, for the developed of the free software. In the second part, we talk about linux history, a free operative system that find to compete with Microsoft’ Windows generations, and the perfect example to understand the hackers’ culture throught the technology innovation, colective work and the gift economy. The present article ends with a one refence about the e-México, project where the hackers and the free software (Linux) could be to developt a new culture of technological uses for the country.


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How to Cite
Lizama Mendoza, J. (2015). Hackers: de piratas a defensores del software libre. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 45(185). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2002.185.48321

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