Sujeto de la política, sujeto de la igualdad. A propósito de Rancière

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Leonardo Olivos Santoyo


The article analyzes theoretician Jacques Rancière’s reflections on political science allowing him to consider it, in the first place under a statute outside the state’s realm —where it has typically been submerged— and, in the second, opposite to the machineries traditionally operating the management of political interests, the command of armies and the exercise of majesty, commonly marked as the components of history and political science. Starting from these boundaries, he develops a proposal to reformulate the subject of politics, politics and that which is political. The reflections of this French sociology take place far away from the logic of their causes and locate themselves in the conflict between two historical forces: order or police and subversion in the name of equality or politics.


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How to Cite
Olivos Santoyo, L. (2015). Sujeto de la política, sujeto de la igualdad. A propósito de Rancière. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 45(184).

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