La historia de la Internacional Comunista a la luz de los nuevos enfoques y documentos

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Daniela Spenser


In 1919 Vladimir Ilich Lenin founded the Third International in order promote the world revolution. After the Komintern underwent multiple changes in goals and forms of organization, Stalin dissolved it during the Second World War. The Komintern had been studied by friends and foes since its inception, by historians and had been subjected to the scrutiny of intelligence agencies from the entire world. Studies of the Komintern have never ceased but when the Komintern archives opened in 1990s they have mushroomed as never before. The article presents some recent debates and approaches to its study which have arisen as a consequence of the archival opening. This access to new documents has stimulated a critique of both the cold war literature as well as of the revisionist studies which have sprung up in reaction to the anticommunist one. Finally, the article traces the changing significance of the idea of world revolution while the Komintern upheld it.


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How to Cite
Spenser, D. (2015). La historia de la Internacional Comunista a la luz de los nuevos enfoques y documentos. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(181).

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