Ciencia y tecnología. Los múltiples senderos de la intolerancia

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Lucila Ocaña


This article traces the paths of intolerance as a result of the new discoveries in science and technology. Globalization is a process which is breaking traditional identities created by the modem State. The author presents the new scientific branches to open a discussion on its consequences and also to introduce the link of this research with a new identity, a planetary group called 'extropians" or 'transhumanists" who are using multimedia to spread their believes. Next, there is description of their points of view on the present and future of humanity, what they reject and why, and the need to discuss the scope of tolerance.


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How to Cite
Ocaña, L. (2015). Ciencia y tecnología. Los múltiples senderos de la intolerancia. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(179).

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