Lenguaje y comunicación

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Susana González Reyna


This article describes, in a sequence that goes from less to mote complexity, three models of linguistic inspiration: 1) R. Jakobson, 2) M. Pêcheux and 3) J. B. Grize that explain the social communication process.

The purpose of this description is to show the inoperativeness of focalizing the social communication as a process of messages transmission and, instead. to perceive it as an interlocution process in which the meaning of words (cultural code) plays a central rol.


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González Reyna, S. (2015). Lenguaje y comunicación. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(179). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2000.179.48892

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