La "sociedad mundial” y la carencia de reflexiones normativas en las teorías sociales de NikIas Luhmann y Norbert Elias

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Oliver Kozlarek Jonas


The current debate on globalization has triggered revisions of existing modem political and social theories. The results are astonishing: the majority of modern political and social theories have always, at least implicitly, refered to what today is called globalization. For some of these theories the globalizing tendencies have even represented the center of gravity around which these theories revolve. This is the case of the theories of Niklas Luhmam and Norbert Elias, which I will revise in this paper. The leading question of this scrutiny is, whether these two theories contain answers to the theoretical challenges of our days. My critique of these two theories concerns their ways of handling the problem of normativity. The limitation is the result of the fragmentation of social control which prevails in the area.


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Kozlarek Jonas, O. (2015). La "sociedad mundial” y la carencia de reflexiones normativas en las teorías sociales de NikIas Luhmann y Norbert Elias. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(177-8).

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