La accidentada ruta hacia el Congreso Universitario de 1990

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Raúl Trejo Delarbre


The author reminds us that history may repeat itself many times. Today's conflict at the UNAM isn't new, only a new version of old problems: arguments about the accessibility of education, free higher learning, democratic university, etc. The author tells us about the previous conflict, almost fifteen years ago. He then shows us how the UNAM was paralyzed, before and after the University's Congress, how problematic the design of an electoral formula representing the interests of the various involved in the process was, and how reforms, in spite of their benefits, may end in nothing more than emotional words.

That conflict started as today's- with an attempt at reforms by the rectorate and more than three years went by before a University Congress could be installed. In spite of all this, says the author, the main thought we must reclaim is if the long process was at all useful. When we look back into the past, and think about the present, it would seem this was not so...


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How to Cite
Trejo Delarbre, R. (2015). La accidentada ruta hacia el Congreso Universitario de 1990. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(177-8).

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