La universidad pública: esencia, misión y crisis

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Marcos Kaplan


In the article, the author questions the type of university one may expect the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be, how and why. In the first place, he says, we have to remember that a university is, in itself, the result of a complex historical process involving al social classes (economic, religious, cultural, political. etc.). Secondly, a university by itself is a transforming force promoting change in society through the power of knowledge.

The author concludes that the notion of university autonomy must mean freedom of teaching and thought, rejecting all exclusionary or discriminatory ideas. After all, a university is a social product and, as such, it must interact with its mediate and immediate reality: ideas and actions are only one step away from each other, but this step must be taken cautiously.


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How to Cite
Kaplan, M. (2015). La universidad pública: esencia, misión y crisis. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(177-8).

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