Lenguaje y cultura o lo imaginario y la razón. Una aproximación a la hermenéutica simbólica

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Blanca Solares


The current crisis of sociological thought is the same as that of western-scientific thought which governs the present world. This paper aims to be present a first approach to the "symbolic hermeneutics” as a radical way of thinking which attempts to go beyond the limits of traditional rationality, focusses on the polemical relationship between language and culture. The crucial difference between rational and symbolic thinking derives from specific understanding of man as homo symbolicus, which is different from the symptomatic critic fixed in the interchangeable horizon of the sign.


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Solares, B. (2015). Lenguaje y cultura o lo imaginario y la razón. Una aproximación a la hermenéutica simbólica. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(174). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1998.174.49128

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