Las mujeres en cargos de dirección: obstáculos y cultura organizativa en las compañías privadas

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Gina Zabludovsky


This work analyses participation of women in middle and high management positions in private companies in Mexico. On the basis of the interpretation of statistical sources of information and commercial directories of large corporations, the author shows how the presence of women diminishes as the occupational hierarchies become more vertical. Such situation is greatly due to the social and organizational barriers and the “crystal top” which women confront in their executive advancement and carriers. Data which supported the present research was obtained through interviews applied to managers in human resources and women in management positions in private companies. The article summarizes findings regarding the latter and focuses on the information supplied by the executives themselves. Through their answers, the probability of finding women managers in each economic activity, size and type of investment is established. Occupational hierarchies of women are also analyzed in the light of their relation with other variable such as the types of positions, different areas of management, the level of education, whether they are married or not and family life of the interviews. From a comparative point of view, the text considers bibliographic sources which show the situation of executives in several countries in order to underscore the similarities and differences among different situations and the obstacles which women confront on the national and world levels.


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Zabludovsky, G. (2015). Las mujeres en cargos de dirección: obstáculos y cultura organizativa en las compañías privadas. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(174).

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