Subordinación de las mujeres e identidad femenina. Diferencias y conexiones

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Estela Serret


Social subordination of women has been a key theme in feminist studies from the very beginning. Its approach has implied both the demonstration of the existence of such subordination as well as diverse intents to explain its causes. In this regard, very often the symbolic and the imaginary levels are conflated or, in other words, the level of the feminine is confused with that of women, making difficult the understanding of the causes and nature of inequality between gender, The present article pretends to emphasize the importance of such distinctions with the help of the classic work of Sherry Ortner.


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Serret, E. (2015). Subordinación de las mujeres e identidad femenina. Diferencias y conexiones. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(174).

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