Entre Bermuda y Santa Rosa. El rescate de judíos durante el holocausto en perspectiva mexicana

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Haim Avni


This article analyzes the context in which the transfer of Jewish polish refugees from Iran to México took place in 1943, under the tragic consequences of the German invasions to the URSS and the implementation of the “Final Solution” of the Jewish people, accorded in Wanssee. In the framework of the rescue agreements and policies adopted during the Second World War, this article deals with three main problematic axis: the specific scope of the agreements taken in the Bermuda Conference held in January 1943 for the rescue of Jews; the comparative analysis between its implementations and the measures taken to transfer Polish refugees from Asia to México; and the substantial contribution of this policy. The specific approach to the Jewish dimension in the rescue policy throws light into the differential behavior held by the Allies during the War and the Holocaust.


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Avni, H. (2015). Entre Bermuda y Santa Rosa. El rescate de judíos durante el holocausto en perspectiva mexicana. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(166). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1996.166.49498

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Archivos y documentos

AGN Mex. Archivo General de la Nación, México.

BPRO, FO. Public Record Office, Great Bretain, London, Foreign Office.

CCIM-Actas. Archivo del Comité Central Israelita de México. Actas.

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