La empresa transnacional, sinónimo de globalización

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Paulino Ernesto Arellanes Jiménez


World Capitalism has suffered transformations based on productive forms in technological innovations, on the most diverse and complex intercrossings of capital in a world scale for their appraisal and on the fragmentation or international production.

Since the end of the Second World War, transnational companies play an outstanding role due to the fact that they act as the main source for the trans nationalization of capital. Nevertheless, after the Cold War and within the context of the capitalist crisis with its renovated strategies, with its flow of diversified capital, with its revolutionized technological capabilities, not only do they trasnationalize capital but they also globalize commercial and financial relations integrally.

These circumstances nourish the degree of sophistication accomplished by the transnational company because the latter has become the new subject and actor of international relations.


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How to Cite
Arellanes Jiménez, P. E. (2015). La empresa transnacional, sinónimo de globalización. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(164).

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