La credibilidad (dentro de la segunda lógica)

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Silvia Peláez


The Social Sciences research has been moving from the first order logic, or classic science, to the second order perspective or complex thought that opens multidimensional links among different fields of knowledge. In this regard, social sciences have established an important relationship with cybernetics that widens the way for thinking upon credibility building. As far as the second order, research is concerned, in politics the concept of credibility building can be understood in two ways: as an object interchanged by a subject related to political economy, and credibility as a differentiated subject that is interchangeable, in the game of credibility, with other objects such as speeches, images, gestures or words, and even persons. Thus, the credibility building needs to take into account both sides of the coin together with the existing link between what is said and what is done; the main elements for producing credibility.


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Peláez, S. (2015). La credibilidad (dentro de la segunda lógica). Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 40(162).

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