Heterology The (Impossible) Science of Violent Residues

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Sergio Tonkonoff


This paper seeks to show that in the work of Bataille there is a general social theory articulated around the notion of the sacred. According to our reading hypothesis, Bataille deepened and extended the movement initiated by Durkheim, who postulated the syntax of the sacred archaic as the most fundamental part of the social grammar. But he did so interpreting the Durkheimnian legacy in the light of a conception of multitude understood as general economy of collective passion. To do this, he borrowed from psychoanalysis and German phenomenology, producing an original theory of the social bond, the structure and dynamics of human groups, with which he proceeded to analyze the discontents of his time. Given the tragic anthropology that framed this intellectual enterprise, the result was the impossible or transgressed social theory that takes the name of heterology.



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Tonkonoff, S. (2015). Heterology The (Impossible) Science of Violent Residues. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 60(225). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0185-1918(15)30026-X

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