Interpreting Globalization: A Switch in Sociological Theory

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Gerhard Preyer


Scholars of globalization and of the research programs on multiple modernities (Shmuel N. Eisenstadt) have undertaken certain shifts in sociological theory since the nineties. Studies on Latin America, East Asia and Japan, as well as on Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, evidence that the path of institutionalization of Western modernity is not the modernization model established by globalization. The end result of research on globalization is a re-systematization of the different kinds of modernization that arise with globalization and glocalization, which impact the social communications sub-systems, under a “third research program on multiple modernities.” Several perspectives on globalization, stemming from theoretical fields that emphasize both the heterogeneity and the homogeneity of the process are analyzed in this paper; it centers on studies of globality and the end of the universalizing claim of Western modernizations and globalization. Finally, multiple modernities are analyzed as a feature of socio-structural evolution, as well as the components of modernity to disembark, from these exams, into the third research program and the theoretical consequences of modernization theory’s new version.


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Preyer, G. (2016). Interpreting Globalization: A Switch in Sociological Theory. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 61(226).

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