The Causes of the Darfur War. An Analysis Based on Barbara Harff’s Model

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André Rangel Sámano


This paper examines the counterinsurgency campaign carried by the Sudanese government and the Janjawid militias during the Darfur war. The first part considers whether that campaign constituted genocide according to the definition and four guidelines set forth by Barbara Harff to identify genocide. The second section explains the Darfur genocide based both on a historical review and analysis of the six preconditions or factors identified by Harff, namely, political upheaval, previous genocides, the ideological orientation of the ruling elite, the type of regime, the ethnic character of the ruling elite, and openness to foreign trade. This research aims at establishing whether the nature of the policies of the Sudanese government and the Janjawid militias were genocide or politycide -mass murder of political groups- to identify and explain accordingly its causes.



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How to Cite
Rangel Sámano, A. (2016). The Causes of the Darfur War. An Analysis Based on Barbara Harff’s Model. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 61(228).

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Author Biography

André Rangel Sámano

Maestro en Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Entre 2013 y 2014 realizó una estancia de investigación sobre estudios de genocidio en The University of Auckland (Nueva Zelanda). En 2015 colaboró con el Museo Memoria y Tolerancia (Ciudad de México) como investigador asociado sobre el Genocidio de Darfur. Desde 2015 trabaja para el Secretariado Internacional de Amnistía Internacional como asistente de campañas para las Américas.


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