Comparing the Holocaust to Other Genocides

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Yehuda Bauer


The driving question underlying this work is whether the Holocaust had features that did not exist in any other form of genocide. When unprecedented elements in a social phenomenon are discussed, the first question that comes to mind is: Unprecedented compared to what? Taking a comparative stance and bearing in mind that the horror of the Holocaust consisted not in that it diverted from human standards, but that in fact it did not, this work reviews the genocide of Tutsis, Armenian, Khmer, Muslim Chams, Vietnamese, and Roma, to conclude that the Holocaust represents an extreme form of genocide. On the other hand, it is argued that differences must be analyzed in order to learn from what has happened. As a result of the acquired knowledge, the dialectical relationship between particularity and universality of horror is revealed. The Holocaust conveys a warning. We do not know if we will succeed in spreading what we have learned, but if there is even a single chance in a million, that sense must prevail; we have the moral obligation of trying, in the spirit of Kant's ethical -moral- philosophy.


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Bauer, Y. (2016). Comparing the Holocaust to Other Genocides. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 61(228).

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Author Biography

Yehuda Bauer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Doctor en historia por la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén. Profesor Emérito de Historia y Estudios del Holocausto en el Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry en la misma universidad, así como Consejero Académico para Yad Vashem (Israel). Editor fundador del Journal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Ha escrito numerosos artículos y libros sobre el Holocausto y los genocidios. En 1998 fue galardonado con el Israel Prize, el más alto reconocimiento civil en Israel, y en 2001 fue electo miembro de la Israeli Academy of Science. Bauer ha servido como asesor del Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research, y como consultor senior para el gobierno sueco sobre el International Forum on Genocide Prevention. Entre sus publicaciones destacan: A history of the Holocaust (1982); Rethinking the Holocaust (2001); y The Jews - A Contrary People (2014).


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