The Use, Continuation and Success of Legal Mobilization around the El Zapotillo Dam

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Rafael Ruiz Ortega


This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of legal mobilization through the analysis of a Mexican social conflict in which various legal resources have been used together with other tactics of political mobilization and direct action. The methodology consisted of applying semi­structured interviews to key actors and the qualitative analysis of information guided by two central questions: Why did the movement turn to legal mobilization? What explains its success? Some conclusions suggest that although the use and success of legal mobilization were preceded by an important internal and external support structure, other essential elements such as the sense of injustice unleashed by the project, the strategic alliances established by the opponents, the political context and the mobilization of several tactics played as well an important role.


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Ruiz Ortega, R. (2020). The Use, Continuation and Success of Legal Mobilization around the El Zapotillo Dam. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(239).

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Author Biography


Doctor en Políticas Públicas por el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Maestro en Desarrollo Regional por el Colegio de la frontera Norte y Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Ha publicado diversos artículos y capítulos de libro, así como dictado ponencias y conferencias sobre desarrollo agrícola, conflictos socio ambiéntales y políticas públicas en el sector hídrico. Actualmente se desempaña como Subdirector Regional Noroeste en el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.


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