The Radicalization of Modernity. Ideas and Debates in Contemporary France

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Leonardo Curzio


This article brings together two argumentative traditions that nurture political theory: the one that is built from the empathic and analytical reading of great theorists and the one that solidifies the rigorous and alluring essay of the encounter between thinker and text, in this case by the French intellectual Pierre Rosanvallon. Thematic axes and central issues of the work of this historian are presented and analyzed here, in light of his own conceptual premises, configured into a permanent exchange with social scientists and philosophers with whom he shared a sustained dialogue. This author stands out due to his theoretical pluralism and originality. In turn, his thoughts are contextualized by social, political and cultural developments that allow for weighing Rosanvallon’s own visions and diagnoses.


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Curzio, L. (2020). The Radicalization of Modernity. Ideas and Debates in Contemporary France. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 66(241).

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