Digital Diaspora: a New Conceptual Dimension

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Perla Aizencang-Kane


This article aims to examine a new conceptual dimension imposed by contemporary experience. It seeks to explore the influence that media, the emergence of the internet, and the use of social networks have had on forming and articulating new digital diasporas. Although classic definitions of diaspora focused on terms of dispersion and uprooting, the digital diaspora heralds the creation of new forms of immediacy and proximity between those nationals who inhabit different geographical locations. The article analyzes the intersection between migrants’ everyday practices and the digital space, highlighting how the latter has transformed the dynamics of belonging, identity and solidarity within diasporic communities. Finally, the expansion of the concept of citizenship in the digital realm is addressed, where social networks play a central role in the construction of social capital and political empowerment of diasporas.


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Aizencang-Kane, P. (2024). Digital Diaspora: a New Conceptual Dimension. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 69(252).

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Author Biography

Perla Aizencang-Kane, FCPyS, UNAM

Perla Aizencang-Kane es doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (unam); sus líneas de investigación se centran en los estudios migratorios, la vida transnacional y los estudios de diáspora. Entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentran: “Relocation of Life and Redefinition of Identities: Israelis in Mexico as a Case Study” (2023) Latin American Jewish Studies, 2(1); “Lo diaspórico y lo transnacional: debates conceptuales del estado del arte” (2022) Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 67(246); “Jewish Diaspora, Israeli Diaspora and Levels of Conviviality” (2021) Contemporary Jewry, 41.


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