Global Hegemony in the 21st Century: Bifurcations in the Face of the Global Constellation of Crisis

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Cesari Irwing Rico Becerra


The questions surrounding the situation of global hegemony in the first two decades of the 21st century have been multiple and increasingly recurrent. The position of the United States as a superpower has shown an increasing vulnerability due to its internal social and economic contradictions, as well as the renewal of global geostrategic competition. The crisis of hegemony has not only been expressed in the sphere of competition between hegemonic subjects, but fundamentally through the signs of exhaustion in the capacity of management, organization and execution of the capitalist system as a civilizing horizon throughout the planet. Thus, the new century begins as a historical moment in which we witness a profound crisis of hegemony, expressed mainly in the tensions and contradictions inherent to its systemic reproduction, where possibilities of bifurcation open up to rethink the relational category of hegemony at its different scales. This article will seek to contribute to the reflection on hegemony as a relational category, which is in constant transformation and adaptation to its own conditions of possibility, with the aim of proposing lines of analysis for the understanding of a complex, uncertain, risky and unequal world where the contemporary crisis of hegemony uncovers the possibility of strategic rearticulations and systemic bifurcations in struggle for a new civilizing horizon on a global scale.


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How to Cite
Rico Becerra, C. I. (2024). Global Hegemony in the 21st Century: Bifurcations in the Face of the Global Constellation of Crisis. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 69(252).

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Author Biography

Cesari Irwing Rico Becerra, FCPyS, UNAM

Cesari Irwing Rico Becerra es Candidato a Doctor por el Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la unam, Maestro en Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales e internacionalista por la misma institución. Sus líneas de investigación son la hegemonía, geopolítica y militarización de Estados Unidos en el siglo xxi, procesos de militarización y militarismo, pensamiento estratégico estadounidense  y geopolítica crítica. Entre sus publicaciones destacadas se encuentran: (con David Herrera Santana, Fabián González Luna y Federico Saracho López) Espacios Negativos. Praxis y Antipraxis (2020) Akal; (con Federico Saracho) “Tendencias del militarismo en el siglo xxi: un análisis desde la geopolítica mundial” (2024) en Fausto Quntana Solórzano y Tomás Muñoz Bravo, Política internacional y agenda global. amei; (con Sandra Kanety Zavaleta-Hernández) “La pandemia del sars-CoV-2 como riesgo global: desigualdad e inseguridad humana” (2021) en urvio. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Seguridad (31).


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