The Triad People-Elite-Leader: Reflections on the Relationship Between Morality and Populist Discourse
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The core of populist discourse involves simplifying the political landscape to a dichotomous struggle between the people as historical victims and the elite as corrupt and incorrigible. However, despite repeatedly emphasizing this difference in moral terms, little attention has been paid to the implications of using morality as a discursive referent or as an explanatory factor for how populist discourses so efficiently permeate the public space. This article analyzes the human being as a moral animal, retrieving Christian Smith's arguments, which will allow us to elucidate his approach to institutions as morally regulated enterprises, arguing its importance for the analysis of institutions such as democracy or phenomena such as populism. From this, the moral dimensions that interweave the people-elites-populist leader triad are identified, allowing us to understand how individuals receive, adhere to, and internalize the discourse and how this affects their decision-making and political participation.
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