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ISSN: 0185-1918
ISSN-e: 2448-492X
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Vol. 63 No. 234 (2018): 68: 50 años después
Nueva Época
Table of Contents
Portadilla y Tabla de Contenido
Sin Nombre
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Angélica Cuéllar Vázquez
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1968s: Student and Social Movements in an Emerging Transnationalism and its Waves Within the World-System. An Editorial Framework
Judit Bokser Misses-Liwerant, Federico José Saracho López
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1968 and its Challenges to Theory and Social Sciences
May 1968 and the Humanities and Social Sciences
Michel Wieviorka
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Irony and Dialectics: One-dimensional Man and 1968
Martin Jay
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1968: When History and Theory Meet
The New Left. 1968 and Post Scriptum
Michael Walzer
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The Sixties and Me: From Cultural Revolution to Cultural Theory
Jeffrey C. Alexander
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Society and Culture in Mexico: The Movement
The 1960s in Mexico: The Incubation of the 1968 Social Movement
Ricardo Pozas Horcasitas
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1968: Reconfiguration of Frontiers between Intellectuals and Power in Mexico
Xavier Rodríguez Ledesma
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Those Were the Days. Social Culture, Creativity and Freedom in 1968 Mexico
Raúl Trejo Delarbre
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1968, History and Memory
1968 in the Memory of Latin America and the World
Adalberto Santana
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Between Memory and Oblivion: October 2, 1968
Armando Casas, Leticia Flores Farfán
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Tlatelolco, Realm of Memory and Tourism Site. Glances from ‘68
Eugenia Allier Montaño
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Strokes of the Movement: Enviroments and Spaces
The 1968 Student-Popular Movement and the Reconfiguration of Left Political Organizations
J. Rodrigo Moreno Elizondo
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From 1968 to Date: Women’s Political Mobilization
Marta Lamas
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Dominant Space and the Post-68 Legacy in Mexico and the World: Militarization, Securitization, and Violence
David Israel Alberto Herrera Santana, Fabián González Luna
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Mexico 1968-2018: The Condition for Freedom is Fighting for It
Héctor Raúl Solís Gadea
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Testimonies, Conversations and Interviews
The Mouvement Devoured by Militant Ideologies. Debate between Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Alain Geismar
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Alain Geismar, Michel Wieviorka
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1968 Behind the Iron Curtain: from March in Warsaw to May in Paris
Karol Modzelewski
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Graphic Testimony from Prison Notebooks
Jaime Goded
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Evocations from the Eye of the Storm
Eugenia Revueltas Acevedo
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1968-2018: From the Power’s Schizophrenia to a Balance of Powers
Víctor Flores Olea, Gerardo Estrada Rodríguez
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1968, from Student Activism to a Vision of Culture
Gerardo Estrada Rodríguez, Paola Vázquez Almanza
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El 68, tiempo de distintos despertares
Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez
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Reviews: Readings of Analyses and Approaches to 1968
Half a Century of Student Movements. The Impact of 1968
Gilda Waldman
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Fifty Years after 1968: A Reading at Odds
Diana Fuentes
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Ruin upon Ruin
Sandra Lorenzano
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