The da-rt Initiative in US Political Science: Debates on a Transparency and Data Access Policy

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Enzo Lenine
Melina Mörschbächer


Methodological debates in the American political science scholarship have deepened throughout the last decades, marked by the Perestroika Movement and its response to theoretical and methodological preferences in the
discipline in the US and the more recent attempt to implement the Data Access and Research Transparency (DA-RT) initiative. DA-RT has awakened distinct positions among qualitative and quantitative researchers, having established a new venue for debate over the meanings of science, transparency and the profession of political scientist itself. In this context, we attempt to offer a panorama of the discourses on the methodological debate generated by da-rt, as well as its potential effects in Latin American Political Science.


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Lenine, E., & Mörschbächer, M. (2018). The da-rt Initiative in US Political Science: Debates on a Transparency and Data Access Policy. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 64(235).

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Author Biographies

Enzo Lenine, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB-Malês), Brasil. Correo electrónico: <>. ORCID:

ENZO LENINE es profesor de la Universidad de la Integración Internacional de la Lusofonía Afrobrasileña (UNILAB-Malês) y doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Entre sus trabajos más relevantes para el estudio de la epistemología y metodología de la disciplina destacan: “Three decades of the International Political Science Review (IPSR): A methodological map of ipsr articles” (International Political Science Review, 2018), “Críticas à teoria da escolha racional e hierarquias de conhecimento na ciência política” (Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, 2018)
y “Ambiguidade como estratégia? Pluralismo, dogmatismo e coesão comunitária na apsa” (Anales de ALACIP, 2013).

Melina Mörschbächer, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Correo electrónico: <>. ORCID:

MELINA MÖRSCHBÄCHER es doctora en Ciencia Política por la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Entre sus trabajos más relevantes para el estudio de la epistemología
y metodología de la disciplina destacan: “Three decades of the International Political Science Review (IPSR): A methodological map of ipsr articles” (International Political Science Review,
2018) y “Contribuições e desafios do institucionalismo histórico na ciência política contemporânea” (Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, 2017).


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