Prehispanic dental decorates
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The purpose of the present study is to update the knowledge, publications and theories developed from The Colony until the 21th century about prehispanic filings; currently called dental decorates. These practices date back from the Preclassic Horizon and they are quoted by authors such as Landa and Sahagun. Different classifications of dental decorates made by different authors over time until the latest made by Romero are described. Hypothesis about the techniques and instruments used for these purposes are presented, as well as research laboratories from American and European universities and chemical and histological analysis in order to verify whether the dental inlays were made in alive people. Experimental studies regarding the composition of the material used as cement are discussed. The photographies were taken from original pieces that are not on display and protected by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).
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How to Cite
Dufoo Olvera, S., Ochoa García, L., De La Fuente Hernández, J., Ortíz Sánchez, R., De León Torres, C. S., & Jiménez López, J. C. (2022). Prehispanic dental decorates. Revista Odontológica Mexicana, 14(2).
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