The system of international cooperation for development: in front of securitization and global economic crisis

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Juan Pablo Prado Lallande
Luis Ochoa Bilbao


The article notes that the Millennium Development Goals proposed by the United Nations Organization to abate, among other factors, global poverty, are being displaced by the securitization of the international agenda and the impact of global financial and economic crisis. To demonstrate this, the paper analyzes the origin, direction and operation of the system of international cooperation for development, noting how the boost to security (just for a few) and the current economic crisis affect this activity. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of collective action in favor of the South contained in this paper illustrates that the system of international development cooperation is not responding to the founding principles and aims of this mechanism and present, putting at risk the targets set by the United Nations Organization to be crystallized in 2015.

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How to Cite
Prado Lallande, J. P., & Ochoa Bilbao, L. (2010). The system of international cooperation for development: in front of securitization and global economic crisis. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (105). Retrieved from

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