El derecho internacional penal frente a los crímenes de lesa humanidad: esclavitud, segregación racial o apartheid, tortura, desaparición forzada y ejecuciones sumarias y arbitrarias o extrajudiciales

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Juan Carlos Velázquez Elizarrarás


According to the author, the content of the international criminal law can be divided for its scientific study in three disciplinary levels: the subjectivity (the subjects), the objectivity (the object) and the metrhodology (the application method). Expressed in other terms, one is the authors ofd the international crimes (subjects), the definition of the international crimes (object) and the repressionof the international crimes (method). The article is dedicated to the analytical revision of an important part of the object of the international criminal law, to approach the legal field of the definition of the international infractions (crimes and offences) against the human rights in the context of the individual and peoples protection. It alludes to the main contributions of the doctrine and jurisprudence of each crime against humanity, leaving of side, for space reasons, the racial discrimination, the kidnapping of hostages, pederasty, and the maintenance by the force of a colonial domination. It is centered on the explanation of five great crimesagainst humanity: 1) the human beings trade: the slavery; 2) the racial segregation or apartheid; 3) the torture; 4) the dissappearance forced or involuntary of people, and 5) the summary, arbitrary or extra judicial executions.

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How to Cite
Velázquez Elizarrarás, J. C. (2010). El derecho internacional penal frente a los crímenes de lesa humanidad: esclavitud, segregación racial o apartheid, tortura, desaparición forzada y ejecuciones sumarias y arbitrarias o extrajudiciales. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (94). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rri/article/view/18342

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