El conflicto palestino-israelí en el marco del unilateralismo estadounidense

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Doris Musalem Rahal


The United States policy towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict during Bill Clinton's "soft multilateralism" period had a tendency to favour the interests and necessities of Israel, and this country found this situation as an opportunity to extend its dominion over Palestinian people. This situation became worse when George W. Bush and his "hard unilateralism" reached the United States presidency. This "hard unilateralism" is characterised by the abscence of participation of other countries and international organisations in the resolution of conflicts that, by its own nature, require the intervention of many international agents. In the framework of the struggle against terrorism, and after 9/11 events, Bush's "hard unilateralism" has justified, by the circumscription of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to the antiterrorist fight, the aggressions of the government of Israeli against the government and people of Palestine. It also served to guarantee the permanence and growth of the jewish colonies in Gaza and Cisjordan territories and to maintain Israel's control over East Jerusalem.

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How to Cite
Musalem Rahal, D. (2010). El conflicto palestino-israelí en el marco del unilateralismo estadounidense. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (95). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rri/article/view/18367

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