Las oscilaciones y contradicciones en las relaciones México-Cuba

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Pablo Telman Sánchez Ramírez


After the falling of Fulgencio Batista, Mexico and Cuba registered a significant mutual approach due to the relative similarity between the revolutionary processes that both countries experimented. Mexico became the very first country which established political relations with Fidel Castro's revolutionary government. Since that moment began a new stage characterised by a constant support, from many Mexican governemnts, towards Cuba and by the demand of respect to the non-interventionism principle, in spite of the vicinity of the United States. For this reason, the author presents a chronological and analytical summary of the bilateral relation's course between Mexico and Cuba. During many decades, the relation with Fidel Castro's government served to legitimise Mexico's foreign policy and to maintain an image of independence towards the United States. Furthermore, the article analyses the turn given to the relation between both nations, principally starting from Vicente Fox's government. In this way, the change of the traditional vision of the Mexico-Cuba relation responds to a democracy and human rights promotion, strengthening-policy, which are the main points of the current administration, and they are hold in the national and international forums. This situation has produced many political confrontations between both countries, that remind an uncertain future in the Mexico-Cuba relations.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Ramírez, P. T. (2010). Las oscilaciones y contradicciones en las relaciones México-Cuba. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (95). Retrieved from

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