La creciente migración mexicana a Estados Unidos

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Juan Carlos Mendoza


This article analyses the phenomena of the current Mexican migration to the United states. In order to do so, it presents some of its records, the motivations which drive migrant population, its composition and profile, as well as the challenges faced by the Mexican government to deal with this matter inthe context of its strategic relation with the United States. The main hypothesis delivered by this article is that the growing Mexican migration in that country represents benefits not only to the sender one, but to the recipient as well, thus it had to be treated not as a problem to solve, but as a socioeconomic phenomena which exemplifies the transnational circumstances of open societies in the XXI century. As last point, the author states that this migrating phenomena should be managed in the basis of cooperation which generates certainty andlegality in order to strengthen the border safety which worries the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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How to Cite
Mendoza, J. C. (2010). La creciente migración mexicana a Estados Unidos. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (97). Retrieved from

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