Problemática actual del territorio insular mexicano en el régimen convencional marítimo internacional

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Juan Carlos Velázquez Elizarrarás


Starting from an evaluation of the legislation established at the First Conference on Law of the Sea and its updates, the II and III Conferences, about the insular territories, as well as an evaluation of the Mexican legislation established in the Constitution and other laws and regulations on the same issue, the author highlights the lack of attention that our country's governments have had on the insular territories belonging legally to Mexican Territory. In this sense, he points out that, throughout history, there has been unawareness about the economic and geo-strategic potential of such territories, therefore they have not been granted with the proper importance and have instead been overlooked. To illustrate this situation, the author analyzes the case of the so-called "North Archipielago" (or Channel Islands of California to the United States), which is a chain of islands whose legal status -there has been no consensus about its belonging to the United States or to Mexico- has been a study object on many researches.

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How to Cite
Velázquez Elizarrarás, J. C. (2010). Problemática actual del territorio insular mexicano en el régimen convencional marítimo internacional. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (98). Retrieved from

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