Complejidad y comercio electrónico global

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María de Lourdes Marquina


In this article the author shows the advantages of using the methodology of complex systemsto analyze how global technologies, like Internet, are socially constructed, and particularlytheir application to trade. From this methodology, we consider that all technologies are complex systems, constitued by heterogeneous elements but independents that, when interacting each other, define the technological designs which sometimes have strong socio-political repercussions as it is the case of the computational code used in the global electronic commerce. The richness of this analytical perspective consists in showing the interactioning components, such as the technical, economic, political, juridical and social, which are involved in the social construction of the electronic commerce.

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How to Cite
Marquina, M. de L. (2010). Complejidad y comercio electrónico global. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (99). Retrieved from

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