La ideologización de la ideología: los desafíos para el estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales

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Rocío Venegas Vargas


This article examines the role of ideology after the end of the Cold War. In this historical moment "the end of all ideologies" was enthusiasticly announces from the centers of hegemonic power. Starting from an historical review of the construction of the concept of ideology by many philosophical and scientific perspectives, from the Age of Enlightenment and Marxism to Critical Theory and International sociology, the author argues that, far from having witnessed the "end of ideologies", we are in a period in which the study of ideology becomes more complex. Thus, it is imperative that International Realtions discipline analyzes this thorny issue in order to understand the international social reality in which we live.

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How to Cite
Venegas Vargas, R. (2010). La ideologización de la ideología: los desafíos para el estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (99). Retrieved from

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