Dating violence and its consequences in the academic life of university men and women
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Dating violence has marked a special interest in public policies in Mexico and the Educational Sector, due to the negative consequences it brings with it in the academic and personal environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the relationship between dating violence and its (negative) consequences in the academic life of university men and women. The sample consisted of 415 students from Mexico City (mean= 21.6, SD= 1.9), using the dating violence scale and the one on the consequences of violence in the academic life of university students. Analyses showed significant correlations between violence and the different dimensions of the scale of the consequences in the academic life. In both men and women there were higher scores in economic and sexual violence. It is concluded that violence has a significant relationship with demotivation, low performance and isolation in young university students. However, the university represents a protective factor.
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How to Cite
Álvarez Ramírez, E., & López Becerra, C. (2021). Dating violence and its consequences in the academic life of university men and women. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 23(1-2), 41–48. Retrieved from
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