Implementation of selective collection of solid wastes in Vale Campus and environmental management in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

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Darci Barnech Campani
Rui Paulo Dias Muniz
Márcia Regina Pereira Tavares


In compliance with Federal and Municipal Legislations, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS implemented the selective collection of its wastes under the Environmental Management System Implementation Program. The collection was set up through a cooperation agreement between the city of Viamão and Passo Dorneles Ecologic Association to promote the development and performance of joint actions for the appropriate collection, destination and separation of recyclable solid wastes originated in UFRGS Vale Campus, with the purpose of generating income for the Association members and, in a broader sense, encouraging the sustainable development and preservation of the environment. Today, as a result of the Program, approximately 20 tons per month of recyclable materials from the UFRGS Vale Campus are destined to the Association.

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How to Cite
Barnech Campani, D., Paulo Dias Muniz, R. and Pereira Tavares, M.R. 2009. Implementation of selective collection of solid wastes in Vale Campus and environmental management in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 4 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Darci Barnech Campani

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Professor Adjunto IV do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da UFRGS, Superintendente de Infra-estrutura da UFRGS, Coordenador da DIRSA para o Brasil e Membro do Conselho Diretor da ABES-Nacional.

Endereço: Rua Leblon, 525 casa 1 91760-510 Ipanema, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.