El náhuatl del sur de Puebla

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Clementina Yolanda Lastra García


In the book on Nahuatl dialects, Las Areas dialectales del náhuatl (Lastra, 1986), Central Nahuatl is divided into six subareas: a nuclear one, Puebla-Tlaxcala, Southeast Puebla, Central Guerrero, Southern Guerrero and an area called Xochiltepec-Huatlatlauca, the name of the counties where it is located. The speech of the localities did not fit in clearly with that of the othersubareas and it was clear that more research in the surrounding towns was necessary to see whether or not it was worth while to establish a separate subarea. The present study presents the results of this research and concludes that there is indeed a separate subarea now renamed Southern Puebla. As a by-product preculiarities of the speech of Santa Maria la Alta are mentioned. The speakers came from Tepelcahuaca, Gueitero and speak a pastor dialect.


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How to Cite
Lastra García, C. Y. (2010). El náhuatl del sur de Puebla. Annals of Anthropology, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1990.1.15738

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