El texto sahaguntino sobre los mexicas

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Alfredo López Austin


One of the texts of the Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España more often consulted by historious specialized in ancient Mexico is that which deals with the origin of the Mexicas. This text, though quite brief, but rich in information, presents serious interpretation- problems. In order to draw the greatest benefit from the said text, the outher of this article makes a literary translation with numerous explicatory notes and comments inviting other specialists to continue with the research of the Mexicas' history. Among the conclusions he points out that the text is based on a rich prehispanic tradition; but its content is namely colonial, with the specfic aim to promote the Mexicas' property of the land conquered by the Spaniards. At the same time it introduce the Mexicas into the world history. Stating that they are not to be held historically responsible for there paganism.


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How to Cite
López Austin, A. (2010). El texto sahaguntino sobre los mexicas. Anales De Antropología, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1985.1.15852

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