Los olmecas y el valle del Usumacinta

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Lorenzo Ochoa Salas
Martha Ivon Hernández


The purpose of the present essay is to make known the typical olmec material that has been found in different places of the Tierra Bajas dal Area Maya, where the CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS MAYAS had been conducting archaeological research of the Settlement Pattern. The material includes figurines, an axe, and a stela. The authors Present a short analysis of the different theories that try to explain the presence of the so-called olmec group in the area since earlv times. ln the last pages of the essay they Propose several hipotbeses of the presence and development of the olmec group in the area of the Usumacinta river.


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How to Cite
Ochoa Salas, L., & Hernández, M. I. (2010). Los olmecas y el valle del Usumacinta. Anales De Antropología, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1977.1.16833

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