Medicina tradicional y la medicina basada en la evidencia. El caso de un huesero de dos comunidades afromestizas de Veracruz, México
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The World Health Organization (who) is currently interested in promoting traditional medicine as an alternative for taking care of health problems; however, it sets the parameters proposed by the Evidence Based Medicine as constraints, and based on them it questions the treatments offered by traditional medicine, generates its discredit, limiting the possibility to apply it to larger sectors of the population, and even favoring its disappea-rance. With the purpose of contributing towards the aim of who, we offer the description of the work of a bone-setter of Mata Clara and El Manantial, Cuitlahuac municipality, in the of Yanga, Veracruz, as well as testimonies of some people that have been the subject of their benefits.
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How to Cite
Cardoso Gómez, M. A., Pascual Ayala, R., Serrano Sánchez, C., & Huicochea Gómez, L. (2010). Medicina tradicional y la medicina basada en la evidencia. El caso de un huesero de dos comunidades afromestizas de Veracruz, México. Anales De Antropología, 42.
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