Ligas entre el mito y el ícono en el pensamiento cosmológico mesoamericano
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The analysis of the interconnections between the numerous and very diverse world view manifestations (myth, rite, visual representations, and others), gives strength to the understanding of different symbols and extends considerably the investigation in this matter. Most of semiotics parallelisms are relatively clear. Nevertheless, in many occasions the interpretation of a text is not easy, due to its vagueness. Then it is necessary to look for suitable ways to discover the keys of the meaning. This paper proposes various principles for the comparison method in the iconographical study; all of them are deduced from the acknowledgement in the Mesoamerican cosmic laws. The chosen texts are an image from a cylindrical vessel tripod with teotihuacanoide style manufactured in Tiquisate, Guatemala presumably during the Classic period. Also the main figure of a Teotihuacan mural and a scene of a mural made during the Late Preclassic period. All the mentioned texts require the previous analysis of the glyph known as “reptile eye”.
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How to Cite
López Austin, A. (2010). Ligas entre el mito y el ícono en el pensamiento cosmológico mesoamericano. Anales De Antropología, 43.
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