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Stephen A. Kowalewski
Luis Barba Pingarrón
Gabriela García Ayala
Benjamin A. Steere
Jorge Blancas Vázquez
Marisol Yadira Cortés Vilchis
Leonardo López Zárate
Agustín Ortiz Butrón
Thomas J. Pluckhahn
Blanca Vilchis Flores


In 1948 Ignacio Bernal carried out excavations in Coixtlahuaca to test the idea that this place was the Triple Alliance’s center for seizing the luxury goods (bright feathers, cotton clothe, and gold) of the Mixteca Alta. Yet his excavations found that Aztec materials at Inguiteria, the Coixtlahuaca capital, represented 0.4 % of the artifacts recovered at this site, which might cast some doubt on the effect of the aztec imperial presence here.

This new project, carried out 60 years later, uses sixteenth-century ethnohistory, non-destructive surface investigation, and scientific excavations in an attempt to shed new light on the aztec presence in this province. It asks questions such as: Was there a mexica garrison or colony? Was there just one isolated aztec site or were there several? What was the size and extent of the Inguiteria site? What is the context of the aztec material within the matrix of all the local materials?

In this article we attempt to answer some of these questions, providing new details and updating certain points, yet as we will see, Bernal’s conclusions still have validity.


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How to Cite
Kowalewski, S. A., Barba Pingarrón, L., García Ayala, G., Steere, B. A., Blancas Vázquez, J., Cortés Vilchis, M. Y., López Zárate, L., Ortiz Butrón, A., Pluckhahn, T. J., & Vilchis Flores, B. (2011). LA PRESENCIA AZTECA EN OAXACA: LA PROVINCIA DE COIXTLAHUACA. Annals of Anthropology, 44, 77–103.

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Author Biography

Stephen A. Kowalewski

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología


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