Tras un método de estudio comparativo entre las cosmovisiones Mesoamericana y Andina a partir de sus mitologías
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Notable similarities and differences between the Mesoamerican and the Andean cosmologies have offered researchers important questions deserving careful scientific attention. As Pedro Carrasco points out, the identification of common individual traits of both cultures does not provide a solid enough ground for ethnological comparison. In search of stronger premises for a comparative study, this work proposes a research methodology based on cosmic paradigms taken from mythology. This type of study aims to trascend isolated ethnographic data in order to reach a larger interpretative framework, which will in turn add sense to the elements being compared. The proposal includes a way to detect paradigms, giving five examples from current studies of Mesoamerican mythology.
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López Austin, A. (2009). Tras un método de estudio comparativo entre las cosmovisiones Mesoamericana y Andina a partir de sus mitologías. Annals of Anthropology, 32(1).
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