El desarrollo de la antropología física en México a través de su producción bibliográfica

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María Villanueva Sagrado
José Luis Vera
Carlos Serrano Sánchez


The authors elaborate a bibliographical inventory of the references published by Mexican physical anthropologists both in Mexico and abroad, as well as foreign researchers’ publications on the Mexican population. The bibliographical inventory lists 2 432 references. Each was classified by thematic area and subarea (somatology, osteology, genetics and demography, evolution and primatology, historical-epistemologic, technical and didactic contributions, among others); by author category (A: national physical anthropologist publishing in Mexico, B: national physical anthropologist publishing abroad, and C: foreign researcher publishing about mexican population) or in chronological order (preformative period 1790-1889, formative period 1890-1936, modern period 1937-1967 and contemporary period 1968-1990). Research based on bibliometric analysis of the inventory indicate the most common areas dealt with, the authors’ publication strategies and the past and current tendencies of Mexican physical anthropology.


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How to Cite
Villanueva Sagrado, M., Vera, J. L., & Serrano Sánchez, C. (2009). El desarrollo de la antropología física en México a través de su producción bibliográfica. Anales De Antropología, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2000.1.389

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Author Biography

María Villanueva Sagrado, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología

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