Permanent dentition eruption chronology in mexican children (State of Hidalgo)

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Luis Alberto Regalado Ruiz
Andrés del Ángel Escalona
Carlos Serrano Sánchez



 Dental eruption studies, in general, have been aimed at establishing guidelines for this biological phenomena in order to define its chronology, which can be useful in the generation of prediction charts, fundamental in odonthological clinical practice and in positive individual identification within several branches of anthropology. The intent of this research is to determine how dental maturation varies within an infantile population in Central Mexico.

In 2007, we worked with a sample comprised of 221 minors (120 boys and 101 girls) between the ages of 6 and 14, coming from a primary school in the Mexican town of Zimapán, in the state of Hidalgo. We registered the levels of eruption for each teeth at the moment the plaster cast impressions were obtained, and calculated the mean age of clinical eruption per dental piece. The results were compared with an international reference, as well as several previous studies carried out in Mexico. Unlike most of the known data, sexual dimorphism was practically absent. Likewise, as every other report for Mexican groups, eruption is belated compared to the international reference, even though it shows significant variations.


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How to Cite
Regalado Ruiz, L. A., del Ángel Escalona, A., & Serrano Sánchez, C. (2023). Permanent dentition eruption chronology in mexican children (State of Hidalgo). Annals of Anthropology, 57(1).

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Author Biography

Luis Alberto Regalado Ruiz, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM

Profesor de tiempo completo de la Carrera de Enfermería

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