Medicina tradicional-medicina moderna entre los huastecos de San Luis Potosí
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This job has like objective describe and analyze the relations that maintain the teenek and nahuas of the Huasteca potosina with the different governmental and institutional programs for the health. With the previous thing, sit must be clear that the traditional medicine form leaves from a resistance that is given among the indigenous culture and the mestiza culture. This resistance is understood because the hegemonic medicine maintains like unique project to be priority for all the population in a same territory. The schemes that the modern medicine proposes hit the ideology and objectives of the traditional medicine, above all in the interpretation and attention of the disease.
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How to Cite
Gallardo Arias, P. (2010). Medicina tradicional-medicina moderna entre los huastecos de San Luis Potosí. Anales De Antropología, 37(1).
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