I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed me

Los Tigres del Norte


Nature imposes its own borders: drastic changes in topography, rivers and oceans all constitute borders because of the inability of other species to cross them; nevertheless, they ignore human borders and constantly pass over them. The rivers that have been used to delineate political borders change their course over time, despite the frustrated efforts of humans to straighten them out. Mammals, birds and insects migrate across the walls erected by nations to impede the movement of people. Flying insects freely cross from Central America to North America: you can’t ask them for a visa. Nature demonstrates the artifice of the attempt. Any territorial border imposed by man is arbitrary and uncomfortable, a violation of the right of free movement. None is definitive.



Cristina López Uribe

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/fa.14058901p.2017.36

Published: 2017-10-23

Book Reviews

Rocío López de Juambelz, Santa María, Rodríguez Figueroa, Calanchini González, Mendoza Durón
