Las disidencias sexuales desde una mirada feminista

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Francesca Gargallo


Sexuality is a historical phenomenon in which a whole series of socially imposed and accepted taboos take part, maintained by diverse ideological judgments. This article aims to approach to the way in which women began to think about their own freedom and their need to deconstruct traditional sexuality, with the purpose of acceding to free choice of sexuality, to discover their bodies, finding –with the emergency of sexual revolution– they have a huge range of sexual possibilities. Thus, lesbian feminism arose, expressed like a social movement, only when women had rejected masculine construction about themselves, deconstructing the “natural” in being women and men, after having demonstrated the nonexistence of principles or feminine essences, the current activity of feminism.

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How to Cite
Gargallo, F. (2010). Las disidencias sexuales desde una mirada feminista. Trabajo Social UNAM, (18).

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